The Struggle Against Racism: Building a Fairer Philippines

At the Backdoor

At the Backdoor

3 Minutes


Racism, a pervasive blight on societies worldwide, manifests in various forms, ranging from subtle microaggressions to blatant acts of discrimination and violence. In the Philippines, addressing this deeply entrenched issue is crucial for fostering an inclusive and equitable society where every individual is respected and valued.

Historical Context of Racism in the Philippines

The roots of racism in the Philippines are deeply embedded in the country's colonial history. Centuries of domination by Spanish and American colonial powers have left a lasting legacy of discriminatory attitudes and beliefs. These prejudiced views have woven themselves into the fabric of society, persisting in various forms despite continuous efforts to challenge and dismantle them.

Forms of Racism in Filipino Society

In the Filipino context, racism often manifests as prejudice and stereotyping against minority groups, including indigenous peoples, ethnic Chinese, and Muslim Filipinos. These communities face discrimination in multiple facets of society, such as education, employment, and political representation, hindering their ability to thrive and contribute fully to national development.

The Impact of Xenophobia

Xenophobia, or the irrational fear and hatred of foreigners, is another disturbing aspect of racism in the Philippines. Directed towards migrant workers, tourists, and other non-Filipino individuals, xenophobia leads to exclusion and marginalization, undermining the country's rich tradition of hospitality and cultural exchange.

Media's Role in Perpetuating Racism

The media and popular culture in the Philippines are not immune to perpetuating racist attitudes and beliefs. Harmful stereotypes and prejudices often find their way into media representations, further entrenching misconceived notions and impeding progress toward a more understanding and accepting society.

Strategies for Addressing Racism

Combatting racism in the Philippines requires a concerted effort from all sectors of society. It involves educating oneself and others about the harm and impact of racism, actively speaking out against racist attitudes and behavior, and supporting initiatives that champion inclusivity and diversity. Only through collective action can the chains of racism be broken, paving the way for a society that truly celebrates its rich cultural diversity.


Racism is a grave issue that continues to affect the social fabric of the Philippines. By acknowledging its existence, speaking out against its manifestations, and promoting values of inclusivity and diversity, the nation can take significant strides toward building a more equitable and just society. This journey is not only about eradicating discrimination but also about creating a space where every individual has the opportunity to live with dignity and respect.

It's time to take a stand against racism. Watch the compelling story of Prathna Srivastava in the video from At The Backdoor and witness the profound impact of racism on individuals and communities. Let her story be a catalyst for change. Together, let's commit to building a Philippines where unity, respect, and understanding prevail over prejudice and discrimination.

At the Backdoor

At the Backdoor discusses topics that breaks through barriers. Featuring individuals talking about controversial, taboo, and other relevant social topics that spark meaningful dialogues in society.

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