Navigating ADHD in the Philippines: A Gen Z Perspective

At the Backdoor

At the Backdoor

4 minutes


The global pandemic reshaped our lives in ways we never anticipated. For us in the Philippines, especially the Gen Z crowd, it was more than just adapting to online classes or finding new hobbies. It became a period of introspection and seeking clarity in the chaos. One aspect that prominently came to the fore was understanding mental health, particularly Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)—a condition often shrouded in misconceptions.

Seeking Answers Amidst Uncertainty

I remember my cousin, Marco, a typical Gen Z hustler—juggling online classes, a part-time job, and a vibrant social media life. But the pandemic slowed everything down. That's when he noticed the silence getting too loud. Tasks felt mountainous, and concentration seemed like a fleeting dream. This led him, like many others, to question his mental well-being, shining a light on ADHD.

Increased inquiries to organizations like the ADHD Society of the Philippines marked this era. More of us sought professional assessments and support, trying to understand the whirlwind of our thoughts and actions.

Unraveling Misconceptions about ADHD

As Marco and others embarked on this journey of understanding ADHD, they confronted several myths that needed busting:

  1. ADHD Beyond Childhood: It's not just a kid thing. ADHD is a lifelong companion for many, evolving with each life stage.
  2. Focus and ADHD: It's not that we can't focus. Give us something we're passionate about, and watch us dive deep into it.
  3. Parenting and ADHD: It's not about how we were raised. ADHD is a neuropsychological dance, with our brains leading the steps.
  4. ADHD as a Medical Condition: It's as real as any medical condition, complete with its own set of challenges and strengths.
  5. Diversity in ADHD Manifestations: We're not just the "hyper" stereotype. ADHD has many faces, from the dreamy daydreamer to the ever-moving whirlwind.
  6. ADHD Across Genders: It doesn't pick a gender. Boys might get the spotlight, but girls are just as much part of the ADHD world, often quietly battling under the radar.

Conclusion and Resources

The pandemic was our unintended catalyst, pushing many in the Philippines, especially the younger generation, to strip away the myths and embrace the reality of ADHD. For those like Marco, who found clarity in the chaos, and for others still on their journey, reaching out for professional guidance remains crucial.

Understanding ADHD is the first step. From there, it's about navigating the waves, armed with knowledge and support. Organizations like the ADHD Society of the Philippines aren't just a resource; they're a beacon, guiding us toward a life where ADHD is not a barrier but a unique lens through which we view our world.

For those walking this path, remember, understanding ADHD is not just about coping; it's about thriving in a world that's learning to embrace diversity in every form, including the way our minds work. Together, let's continue to debunk myths, support each other, and build a future where every mind is celebrated for its unique brilliance.

Watch Our Video for More Insights

Ready to deepen your understanding of ADHD? Check out our engaging video on YouTube that breaks down the complexities of ADHD in an easy-to-understand format. It's filled with insights, personal stories, and expert advice.

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